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Sam Rasoul

Representing the Eleventh District in the Virginia

House of Delegates. 


It is the honor of his lifetime to represent the Valley that raised him. Growing up he learned and worked at his parent’s corner store, a community hub. Through his experiences, he realized the value in listening, and neighbors helping neighbors. 


Sam lives in Roanoke with his wife Layaly and their three beautiful children. He is continually inspired by the innocence and wisdom of his children. After completing his Master’s Degree, he became a small business owner, and later the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of a non-profit healthcare firm helping with maternal child health in East Africa. Equipped with an understanding that leadership is a bold journey for justice, he organizes community leaders through The Impact Center; his initiative to develop & empower new age leaders. Sam committed to decline any donations from special interest Political Action Committees and lobbyists in an effort to raise awareness of the control many powerful special interests have over the political system. (Feel free to access where my money comes from, and where it goes here.)

Behind the scenes look of our


For me, running for office was largely inspired by my children. When they look back, I want them to see themselves in my work, and know that they too were a part of making change.


This logo was designed by my eldest daughter, Jennah, and represents our families three rules. Check out the video to hear the inspiration directly from the source.

Representing The 11th District
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Who We Are
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